Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Incomprehensible (and reprehensible) Health Care Bill

President Obama said in an interview this week that he is frustrated at the fearmongering and "blatant lies" that are effecting how American's view this bill. President Obama, you are so full of it, as are the rest of the people in Congress (both dems and repubs). Lesson number one, and only lesson number one: the reason that fearmongering and lies are bouncing back and forth is because Congress, through purposeful intent, wrote incomprehensible bills.

The language of both the house and senate bills is pathetic. I actually tried to read the bills, and in the house version (I am not sure its the latest version, as closed door negotiations have caused changes on an hourly basis), there is a provision that states that the bill must be in plain english. that requirement alone was almost half a page of incomprehensible and highly ambiguous legalese, and i am a lawyer. God forbid someone without legal training tried to read this mess. our firm has a saying, "using complicated legal language is a sign of laziness and fear, it is the crutch upon which lawyers who either wish that their clients do not understand the contract or have not taken time to understand the law lean on."

i have no doubt that congress purposefully writes in this manner because they do not wish the average American to understand the bills. It makes it easier for them to avoid accountability, provides them wiggle room to either assert or deny fearmongering, and provides ample opportunity to insert favors in exchange for bribes.

The American people expect better.

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