Monday, November 9, 2009

Where are the jobs?

Last november, all we heard from the Democratic leadership was how they were going to focus on jobs. Along the way, several heard the call from Rahm Emmanuel saying to not let a good crisis go to waste. So, instead of focusing on job creation, for the entire past year, Congress has essentionally been focused on healthcare reform. What amazes me is that while America bleeds jobs, Congress focuses on the largest spending program in history. It is unfortunate, but a political reality, that people who would rather not live off the taxpayer dime are forced to. There is one thing the Democratic leadership has been good at since the unfortunate passing of JFK: the creation of victims.
And the Republicans fare no better in this debate. Their proposals are loaded with special interest plays as well.

It is frustrating to see this whole thing go down. Instead of analyzing the solution for what it was, each party has decided to implement their ideologies and try to find a solution that fits within those ideologies. The square peg in the round hole. No matter what the outcome, rest assured, the solutions have little to do with the problems of healthcare costs and are only based upon ideologies and special interests. We the taxpayer get caught in the middle. This is pure laziness and power grabs by the Democratic parties (and the republicans proposed plans). Lazineses. Blindly going along with ideologies. Smaller government, lower taxes - Republicans, I hate to tell you, but everytime you elect Republicans to control either one of the houses, deficit spending goes through the roof and taxes go up. Instead of listening to how Reagan allegedly reduced taxes and reduced the size of government, go to and start the process of learning it yourself. Reagan's genius was not in his adherence to ideologies (he knew that ideologies are not solutions). No, Reagan's genius was in his ability to fool the people into believing that he was implementing them.

And the Democrats are the same. Instead of looking at the issues in an unbiased manner, they set forth social agenda with little regard for the actual problem. For years, spending on social programs has increased (even under Republican governments), yet, the income gap is essentially the same. Throwing money at a problem does nothing. You need to empower the people. You need to give them teh ability to work through their problems. You need to give them the chance for a victory, on their own. You need to let them feel proud. you need to quit creating victims. And btw, if anyone thinks that Republicans are in the tank for corporations, look at the pattern of corporate giving. The Democrats fare much, much better.

The point of this post, other than to just vent, is to say that enough is enough. We need people in congress that are not lazy, know how to look at a problem and solve it. Quit giving us soundbites and give us real solutions.

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