Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Prove It!!

America will come back from this economic downturn, but one thing is clear, both Republicans and Democrats are going to claim victory. The Democrats, and especially Obama in 2010, will claim that the stimulus bill was the key factor in keeping this great nation from going under. The Republicans will claim that the stimulus did nothing other than to delay recovery and add to our deficit. The simple fact of the matter is that, we have no idea what really happened. And that is how these parties operate.

Both Republicans and Democrats refuse, absolutely refuse, to put in real, measurable metrics to determine the effectiveness of spending bills, and for good reason. They both want to confuse and confound the unwary public of their alleged success or alleged failures. In other words, both sides refuse to hold themselves accountable.

But, while refusing to hold themselves accountable is clearly and issue, and one that needs to be corrected, this goes back to another issue that is not talked about, and that is the competency of Congress. Most in Congress have little to no business experience. Obama's administration has less than 10% of people with any experience other than academic experience. Yet, somehow, because of a misplaced belief in their own capabilities, Congress believes that it knows whats best. And that is simply wrong.

Now, take the issue of the refusal to hold themselves accountable. We know that it is a power play, but it also shows a complete and utter lack of fundamental business principles. Taxes are an investment by the public in its goverment. The government takes that investment and performs functions. Sounds like a non-profit business. Well, what non-profit business refuses to hold themselves accountable to their investors? What non-profit refuses to track and measure the money being spent? While a non-profit in the real world would surely be sued not only by its investors but also but the government if it acted this way, for some reason, the government itself does not hold itself to the same laws.

And that is pathetic.

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